Friday, February 27, 2009

Feed a Cold, Shoot a Fever

What do you do when your son spikes a 103 fever? First, you take him to the pediatrician. Then, once the doc says he's negative for strep and the flu and to treat his symptoms, you bring him home, dose the Bubblegum Blast Jr. Tylenol Meltaways, put a cold towel on his head and grab the camera.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Justin: 180 Mute Grab

DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME [I'm talking about the lie-in-front-of-an-eight-foot-high-quarter-pipe part]. Between Justin's launches, I almost ate a skateboard. To appreciate just how high Justin is, clicky on the pics.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Goofy Foot

My son loves to skateboard. And, since I am a better photographer than skateboarder, he rides and I shoot.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I Heart Heart-Shaped Cookies

This cookie looked so yummy I decided to take a bite before I shot it. It tastes as good as it looks [and my mouth is really not that pointy]. Happy Valentine's Day.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Perpetual Calendar...cont'd

Photographing this perpetual calendar is turning into a perpetual project.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Seven Letter Word

Just for fun, I took all my blog posts from January and created a Wordle with them. Wordle generates a visualization of the source text, and greater prominence is given to words that appear more frequently. I sure am glad "Christy" is nice and big [and just right there I got my own back when it comes time for my next Wordle].