Thursday, August 14, 2008

D.C. from a Kid's Perspective

On Monday, the kids and I headed down to Washington, D.C. to return the lens I rented for the Blink of an Eye Photography wedding [that post is coming soon]. Since Penn Camera is just blocks from the White House and we had an hour on the meter, we hopped, skipped and jumped our way over. The kids stood in front of the fence along Pennsylvania Avenue and I took the obligatory tourist snapshot. From there it was past the U.S. Treasury and then back to the car. Once back in the car, I felt a lot like Clark W. Griswold as I circled D.C. shouting, "Hey look kids, there's the Capitol, and there's the Washington Monument!" The kids took turns shooting out their windows with my Nikon. They saw more of D.C. than they ever could have on foot, and it's fun to see how D.C. looks from their perspective—through an open window from the back seat of a car.

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