Saturday, September 13, 2008

Jennifer, Bella & Nikki

Jennifer was referred by another blp client—we love that, and thank you [you know who you are]. I had so much fun running around the waterfront in Olde Towne Alexandria shooting Jennifer and her daughters Bella and Nikki. The girls had me laughing more often than not, and we all managed to get through the session without anyone falling into the Potomac. Here are a few of my favorites from our session.


  1. For anyone looking at these comments, I just want to say that doing the photo shoot with Brian was such a great and memorable experience- and to have it all captured in these pics is so exciting! It was a beautiful but hot day and we had no idea where we would go specifically for shots. Brian used his great "eye" and would tell us where to sit, stnad and smile! Some of the places he told us to go, we weren't too sure - A boat we didn't own, someone's steps from a house we didn't know who lived there, and one shot he had to take from the middle of the street and he stopped traffic to make sure he got the right shot. I can't wait to see the final gallery to share with my family and friends and with my girls!

  2. Adorable girls + creative thinking photog = fabulous shoot!! Glad to hear those traffic stopping skills come in handy ;)

  3. The most beautiful girls a granparent could ever have.


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