Friday, November 7, 2008

Kathy, Ed, Emma & Joey

Last December, I donated a Family Session to the Mount Airy & Parrs Ridge Elementary Schools PTA Dinner Auction. Kathy and Ed were the lucky winners that evening. Well, it took us a while to get this one on the calendar but it was definitely worth the wait. Emma's red hair and blue eyes are a photographer's dream and she was a natural in front of the camera. Joey warmed up after I explained that his mother had been waiting 11 months for this day.Towards the end of our session as I was shooting Emma, Joey started making shadows in the setting sun against the red barn where Emma was sitting. My back was to Joey and when Emma started laughing I turned I got this shot of Joey "shooting" Emma.You can see Joey's shadow in this image.Finally, here's one of the whole family that should make the short list for this year's holiday card.To Kathy, Ed, Emma and Joey, thanks for being such great sports as I walked you around Historic Savage Mill, and thanks again for your generous donation to the Mount Airy & Parrs Ridge Elementary Schools PTA.

1 comment:

  1. Simply beautiful! Emma is stunning! And I love how you were able to capture Joey's personality through the lens. They look like fun kids to shoot with!


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