Saturday, December 20, 2008

Shootshop Download

It's been a week since I got back from San Diego and the image is found One Day Our Way Shootshop, and I am still processing everything I took away. Nate and Jaclyn are about as real as it gets, and no question was off limits or without a no-punches-pulled answer. From shooting to post-processing and yes, even how to manage client expectations, Nate and Jaclyn filled my head with so much to think about it hurt [in a good way]. And, they are as funny as they are good. Nate had me laughing so much with his Nate-isms, that I started writing them down. You can read them here.

Have you ever asked yourself, "How do they do that?" I have, and the best part of the Shootshop is seeing how they do it. I left my gear in the studio while we walked around Oceanside with the über photogenic Molly and Matt, but I did grab a few how-do-they-do-that behind the scene shots with my iPhone [Click on the image below to see a larger version].On the flight home I wrote down several pages of post-'shop To Do's. Some of them have already been crossed off, while others will be coming in the New Year.

I have been admiring Nate and Jaclyn's work for nearly three years—they shot my sister's wedding in San Jose del Cabo in November 2006 which you can see here, here and here—and it was a thrill to see them again. See you guys on 11.11.11.

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