Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow Day?

Though officially a snow day, by mid-afternoon barely one quarter of the four inches of snow forecasted had fallen [I need to get back into the weather prognosticating business]. That didn't stop the kids from dragging their sleds across the blacktop to the nearest hill in our neighborhood. Sadly, the lack of snow meant the kids only made it a few feet down the hill at a time.


  1. Brian,
    How did you get this effect for snow day pics? Is it in the camera?

  2. CK,

    Thanks for stopping by and posting a comment!

    To answer your question, +2/3 to +1 EV in-camera, and Lightroom's B&W Low Contrast preset. I heart Lightroom. Feel free to email me if you have any other questions.



Hey, thanks for your comment!