Friday, November 30, 2007

The blp Logo

A few of you have commented on the blp logo, so I thought I'd share a little background with everyone. While there was never any question what to call this adventure, it was a different story when it came time to design a logo. In the end, it was simple and some might even say obvious, an epiphany as my wife was running out for an evening with her girlfriends and the kids were running around the house—the letters 'b' and 'l' turned 90 degrees counterclockwise to form a camera.

A shout out to good friend Arturo Gigante, who took my rough idea and refined it to what you see today, and to my parents for naming me Brian.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, didn't even realize it was a "b" and an "l". I'm a bit slow...


Hey, thanks for your comment!