Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Got Blog?

Welcome to the blog of brian lausch photography!  If you're reading this, you have no doubt visited my brand-spanking-new website, brianlauschphotography.com, courtesy of the talented folks over at Blu Domain.
Here at the blog, you'll find posts—made while most normal people are sleeping—related to my current projects and recent work, blog-only promotions and creative ways to surround yourself with your personal images—whether they be from one of our sessions or your own snapshots.  So bookmark this page and check back every few days—I am already working on the next few posts. And, if you see something you like, feel free to leave me a comment.


  1. Congrats, Bri! How exciting!

  2. Wooo Hooo!!!

    Way to go Brian...can't wait to hear more about it...

    Mike and Michelle in AZ

  3. beautiful brian ... i love the music, the images and the overall clean, simple and fresh look of the site!

  4. Awesome site Bri, I love it! Great shots, can't wait to see more.

  5. Congratulations Brian! I love so many shots on your site. Best of luck in your new biz!!

  6. Can't wait to bring my little one to you for some great shots, I am so proud of you this is awesome!

  7. Love the shots of Anaa and Ben!


Hey, thanks for your comment!